i’m feeling sick today, so i’m grasping onto happy images. it helps.

i’m always always always inspired by what children create. i feel so lucky to be teaching two adorable kids ages 6 & 8 who are adding their energy, pipe cleaner creations, gocco valentine’s and exquisite corpse drawings on my wall. i set up pillows and a small table so we can all create and it makes me happier to be in my studio when i’m by myself as well. a place to sit on the ground and get down to business with no “pressure”, only play. where will my imagination go today? and letting it. so easy to glean this lesson from the kiddos.

i teach art once a week.

so of course when monika elena bought my elephant print and told me she was a photog i checked out her site and LOVE her joy filled work. especially these diptychs which show these little ones exploring through paint, strawberries and the natural world. i love how in the moment they look. completely uninhibited. a true gift of a photographer to be able to capture that! monika travels between SF and DC so look her up if you want a photo shoot for your family.

monika elena

i also am swooning over small magazine. it’s perfect.

and i really want to see the movie “my kid could paint that”.

hope you delight in these images as much as me. thank you for your kind emails about my article in “cloth, paper, scissors” available here and on news stands now. i am working on responding to everyone. know that your words are uplifting & mean a lot to me.

mati rose