Collage is the ultimate exercise in daring. As an artform, collage is all aboutgathering inspiration, embracing imperfection, and transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. Unpredictable by nature, collage challenges our inner critic as well as the inner choreographer who wants everything to be just so.
Here’s a sampling:
This 5 week e-course is not just about collage: it’s about building our daring muscles while practicing courage in art + life!
This course is for anyone who wants to strengthen their creative muscles, be inspired on a daily basis, step into their own brilliance + find their magic. Oh, and create unique, inspiring mixed media artwork incorporating beautiful collage!
$99 Forever access
Here’s a Sneak Peek and Hello!
Collage is a big, daring step off the proverbial cliff.
Let’s leap together!
photo credit Heidi TenPas
Simply click on the “Add to Cart” link and you will be directed to Paypal to complete your purchase. Then within a few minutes you should receive an email with the login information to be used on the first day of class.
$99 Forever access
Daring Adventures in Collage will be conducted in a safe, private, password protected online environment. Each of the 5 weeks, we’ll focus on a different part of the creative process of collage!!! This is the perfect medium for summer vacation and to take on the road with you. Perfect summer activity with kids too:) We will learn how to create collaged creatures like Mati’s signature elephants and more! We’ll explore messy patchwork collages and experiment with different dynamic compositions with all kinds of paper and surfaces.
The course will have lots of fun tips & tricks each week, including:
- Brand new collage VIDEO Demos!
- Material Exploration with links to the exact tools
- Treasure Hunts + Creative Missions
- Inspirational Art Downloads for you to be able to print + hang up!
- Paper Downloads from Mati’s personal stash!
- Exclusive Weekly Interviews with Amazing Collage Artists
- 5 weeks= 25 days of Inspiration!
Artist Interviews with:
Betsy Thompson, Gracia & Louise, Jamie Hogan, Michelle Caplan & Stephanie Levy
Every week we will focus on a different project as a jumping off point with a video demo! Feel free to be daring and stray from the lesson 🙂
- Week 1: Creature Collage
- Week 2: Messy Patchwork Collage
- Week 3: Surrealist Collage
- Week 4: Unconventional Surface Collage
- Week 5: Dynamic Composition Collage
Each weekday of the 5 weeks you will receive a new post! Participants will have the opportunity to make comments and ask questions each week on the topic area. We will also have a safe, private Facebook group for more discussion + sharing. Participants are encouraged to post images of their painting progress in the group (visible only to fellow participants) and leave questions + feedback for their classmates.
photo credit Heidi TenPas
What’s it like to take an e-course with me? I’ll let my students take this one:
“Mati Rose stands in that magical intersection of art and truth-telling. She’s a soulful storyteller and a powerful teacher. Dare to get messy. Create. And find some joy”.—Dr. Brené Brown
“Unused creativity is not benign – it turns into grief. Do something with it.”—Daring Greatly, Dr. Brené Brown
“I took several e-courses in the meantime, and it’s usually in your courses that I can really loosen up and just create. No inner critic, no inhibitions, just making art. Thank you for that!”
“What I love most about your Daring Adventures is that it frees up the part of me that wants to Control things! Art can be so unwieldy & unpredictable; your classes always remind & encourage me to swim in the wild waters instead of just standing at the edge dipping my toes in.”
“I loved this course! I so needed the creative motivation and this was the perfect class for that! I haven’t had a ton of time to commit to the collages, but your encouragement to just be quick and messy meant that I didn’t need to have a lot of time. The videos and interviews were great inspiration. I look forward to coming back to the activities for inspiration and making more collages this summer. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
“Oh Mati you hit it out of the ball park with this one, and I’m so happy I had a chance to take it! You have a knack for pulling our creative juices to the surface, and encouraging us to think outside the box. I think the thing that helps me the most with your classes is that you break them down into such doable chunks, and encourage us all along the way…They seem easy, so I’m not afraid to try. It’s been such a pleasure to see the other class members’ work as well. We farm, so summer is our busy time and I haven’t had much time to devote to the class, but things are winding down now till fall, so I’m looking forward to playing with my paper scraps until then!”
“I am so glad that I took this course Mati, It has really pushed me away the computer and got me experimenting more with my collage, I have loved every minute of it and can’t wait to see where it takes me!”
“A wonderful & inspiring course! I felt like I went to yoga for artists…finding the inner artist in me.”
“My time, my place, my self.”
“I can feel that push and pull that comes with being out of your comfort zone.”
“Fear is a part of me, but art is healing from the inside out. I don’t care if I’m good or bad, if I sell art or finish a piece… I have the heart and hands of an artist.”
“When I listen to the painting, it’s always a win (because if I’m doing it right, the “painting” is my own intuition talking to me). BAM!”
“Lovely to see such a breadth of expression and playfulness from across the globe.”
“When I worked as a staff designer I usually had to design for an existing brand. I feel like now I am discovering myself and I can’t believe I am holding a paintbrush!! I have never painted so much before.”
“Checking my inbox each day for the new ‘lesson’ was always a treat! I truly got addicted to painting. And thank you classmates for sharing your art and parts of your world and the great feedback and discussions. This group turned into this lovely art community and I hope we can keep sharing on here. Ahoy!”
“Thanks Mati for a great course. Although I’ve been creative in my life in lots of ways, painting has always been too difficult, too much of an unknown quantity – I’ve just never known how to start. I have enjoyed carving out a little space in my life for paint over the last few weeks. I’ve really enjoyed all the different aspects of the course and everyone’s daring contributions. And tonight I have a painting on my lounge wall – by me!!! It’s not totally fabulous but there are aspects of it that I like. I’ve been waiting for someone to tell me that I can indeed be an artist and I’ve just realized tonight that I just need to tell myself. I am an artist.”
So what about the art?
Here is just a smidgen of the amazing art created by my e-course students:
Join us for 5 weeks of Daring Adventures in Collage
$99 Forever access
*Will there be videos?
YES we will have inspiring weekly demo videos that you can download!
*I took Daring Adventures in Paint… is this the same course?
No, it’s BRAND NEW collage content: new videos, guest artists, treasure hunts and inspiration!
1. Who is this course geared towards?
Anyone who wants to flex their creative muscles, be inspired and explore collage and practice being more daring in their lives.
2. When does the class start?
It is available instantly and the content will be available for you forever!~ (as long as the technology exists in same format 😉
3. Do I need the book Daring Adventures in Paint to do the course?
Not at all! They compliment each other, but are not necessary.
4. If I have Daring Adventures in Paint is this course relevant?
Yes! It will be its own experience and an opportunity to work through the course material and deepen into the exercises and ideas! Feel free to order it, as it will only compliment the course!
5. How much does the course cost and how do I pay?
NOW AVAILABLE FOR ONLY 199 forever access
You will be paying for the course through Paypal. Paypal automatically converts currency for you.
6. Is there a deadline for signing up?
You will have until the end of the first week of class on September 20th to sign up.
7. Can you give me a general description of how the course works?
Each week will include an introduction by Mati Rose, a demonstration on the topic for the week, information, food for thought, inspiring interviews, technique tips, and of course, painting! Participants can comment and ask questions in the course environment, and they have a week to finish the weekly assignment. Participants will post a photo or scan of the progress they’ve made on their painting for the week in a private Facebook group for other members of the group to see.
8. Do I need to have taken a painting class to sign up?
Nope! Beginners most welcome.
9. I’m an established artist, will this course be relevant for me?
Yes, if you feel called to take this course it is for you! It is for anyone who is open to exploring their creative practice and for an inspiration jump start! This course is accessible to beginners and advanced artists alike. We will be discussing how to tap more fully into your own creativity and Mati Rose’s approach to creating collage.
10. What will I need?
- computer
- scanner or camera to capture images of your paintings if you want to share them!
- email address
- Paper & gel medium for collage
- Canvases or Painting surfaces
- Facebook account (this is easy to set up and free; our private Facebook group is essential for networking within the Daring Adventures community + viewing/sharing the art produced during the course)
- Time to be inspired & create (a few hours a week)
Here’s a link to Mati Rose’s Store for her favorite supplies!
11. Do I need to have “Daring Adventures in Paint” ecourse? Can we use paint too?
No requirements to have taken Mati Rose’s ecourse Daring Adventures in Paint previously.
YES you can absolutely use paint, but it’s not required.
12. What can I expect to get out of this course?
You will get:
- inspiration to create
- video demos
- weekly exclusive interviews with artists in the field
- a community of folks exploring collage along with you
- instruction on technique
- a place to ask questions and get responses from Mati Rose
- feedback from your peers
13. What if I enroll in the course and I don’t complete any collages?
In an ideal world we’d be collaging all the time, but simply by showing up and taking this course, you will stretch your creativity and hopefully be inspired in life!
14. Do I have to check into the class at specific times?
You do not have to check into the class at specific times. You can access the week’s assignments when your schedule permits. We’d love it if everyone checked into the course environment and read updated material several times a week, but we realize this isn’t possible for everyone. This is great news for anyone living outside the US — time differences don’t matter!
15. Will other people see my art?
Only if you choose to! The course will include a private Facebook group where those taking the class can post their own work and view the work of others in the class. We do encourage everyone who signs up and participates in the class to share the work that they make for the class. Sharing your work is an important part of the process of learning to paint and being daring. That said, mean, critical comments will not be tolerated in the course environments. We hope to create a safe and positive environment for sharing work.
16.Will I get direct feedback from Mati Rose?
This class is not designed for regular individual feedback. She will be commenting on a select number of paintings each week that everyone in the course can learn from. If you ask specifically for instructor feedback, Mati will do her best to comment on your painting.
17. I have a question about the course you didn’t answer. What should I do?
You can email us at and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible!
18. How long does the course stay open after it ends?
6 months.
19. Do you offer refunds?
No refunds. Due to the nature of the course with passwords given at the time of purchase, it is not possible to offer refunds. Thank you for understanding.
20. I’m an Alumni and heard there was a $100 discount. How do I access that?
Email me if you didn’t receive the code in the classroom:
Enrollment is now open!
5 weeks of Daring Adventures in Collage:
$99 Forever access
Full 5 weeks of class for $199; Content available forever!

Mati Rose McDonough went back to art school when she was just shy of 30 years old to study painting and illustration at the California College of the Arts. She made art from the time she was very little growing up in Maine, but never considered herself an artist until recently. Now at 37, Mati has had dozens of art shows, taught painting classes internationally and had her art and illustrations used for Patagonia, University Games, Pier 1, as well as greeting cards, children’s books, her painting book and her very own furniture line with Creative Coop. She is represented by Lilla Rogers Studio for illustration & licensing.