Mati Rose stands in that magical intersection of art and truth-telling. She’s a soulful storyteller and a powerful teacher. Dare to get messy. Create. And find some joy.”
– Dr. Brené Brown

This was truly the best program I’ve ever been in. In addition to being inspiring, educational, supportive, motivating, and creating accountability, Mati’s special gifts really stood out in co-creating energetic changes, and shifting limiting beliefs. Her gentle presence and style of working are powerful, and she has a depth of experience and insight that makes it easy for her to meet you where you’re at regardless of your medium or creative field. I felt a deep trust with Mati, and was able to push through blocks, clarify my direction, and bravely usher my offerings into the world. It pushed me in all the best ways and the momentum continues. I highly recommend joining Mati in her next mentoring group – SO worth every penny & every minute of time.”
– Ginger Deverell, Artist, Illustrator & Surface Designer www.gingerdeverell.com
Ginger reached her dream of working with an illustration & surface design agent shortly after working with me! And has gone on to license her artwork on beautiful products including fabric lines, greeting cards and more. It all began in this mentoring group!

Boy am I getting sh*t done! This class was like an energy injection! I’ve been so motivated and encouraged by my creative biz mentoring group! If you’re looking for an extra creative boost, sign up! It so good for me to help me focus and move forward with my BIG dreams! I am already saying YES to big ideas and dreams that have been simmering for a long while. Now it’s time to focus and do the work!”
– Cecelia Blenker, Artist & Art Teacher

I was struggling to find my voice and really needed a community I could connect with. Mati’s program is just the right mix of butt kicking and support. Here are a few of the things I’ve accomplished since taking Mati’s course:
- Created a website
- Launched two collections
- Completed an artist residence in Hudson, NY
- Had a pop up shop and live painting event at Pottery Barn
- Started The Creative Brunch Series and hosted several maker workshops in my local area and so much more!
Also started my Daring Adventures in traveling to Italy and Costa Rica on art retreats and hosting my own in Bali soon! I’m just getting started an I’m excited for all we will do together!!”
– Nikki Cade, Artist www.nikkicadestudio.com

I was surprised by how free I felt to create everyday and to create the environment to do so. I learned, deep down, that not all days are going to feel like I made progress but everyday I showed up in the studio was a win. I felt that my confidence was pretty good before…but after 3 months of non-stop creating I feel so much more like an artist!
- My first collection! The littles! It feels like a series I can launch now and I’m so excited to make more pieces with this kind of energy.
- Second collection, on its way.
- Art show! I applied to, and got into, my first art show!
– Jennifer Arzt, Artist www.jenniferarzt.com
Since the Level Up program, Jennifer has gone on to have multiple art shows, sold many pieces, had 2 international art residencies and just signed the lease for a studio & gallery space!!!

I tackled my major goals!
- To overcome the fear of sharing my art with the world.
- To make work that I am proud to share and create a collection to be utilized for stepping out into the art world
- To find a support system of other wonderful artists
- To have a clear path forward beyond our time together.
- Completed 9 of 12 paintings in my “Emerge” collection
Notable Accomplishments!!
- First ig (instagram) post EVER
- First ig reel- 4000 reach
- First ig story First IG Art challenge
- Posted 22 of the 30 flowers
- Zero to 82 and growing followers!
- Found my voice. Trusting my process and painting intuition.
– Betsy Becher, www.betsybecherart.com
Since Level Up Betsy won “Best in Show” in an exhibit! She also wrote—Hi!! I had an interview for that residency and it went well and said I’m their “ideal candidate” so that’s cool! You saw posts that I got juried into my “biggest dream” art fair locally. I sold my biggest painting!! So cool. Also- the gallery I am in just sold all 6 of the small paintings they had of mine and now wants to have some of my big work!! Yay- you are awesome and thanks for believing in me when I didn’t even know this was possible!!

Awww. You. Thanks so much. SERIOUSLY could not be doing this without your killer support, your modeling, your creative beauty… I feel so grateful to be working with you Mati.”
– Susa Talan, www.susatalan.com

Personal Goals I have reached are as follow:
- Establishing a consistent art practice and valuing my creative time.
- Carving out a studio space and continuing to prioritize that space.
- Using instagram consistently and making reels.
- Making a website including a store.
- Offering Paintings for Sale.
- Scanning and creating prints for sale and for my personal use.
- Found a direction I want to go with my work and established my personal style.
- Invested in technology and supplies to help me achieve my goals without guilt.
– Sara Reynolds, www.sarareynoldsart.com
Since working together Sara has gone on to have an art show of her art created together with The Neon Collection and built her dream studio in her yard & website!

Mati heard my energy and passion during our one on one call and encouraged me to GO FOR IT! We’re talking full sized crocheted Medusas for my future Museum show. In the last couple of weeks in particular I’ve really hit my momentum and am on fire creating the show outline, researching and coming up with a detailed timeline to execute for the remaining month together. I am so fired up to bring my vision of my art show to life! Previously I was terrified of being discovered, now I feel the urgency to share my art and my important work with the world.
I am also so inspired by the cohort of artists that I’m working with. At first I was nervous because I am a sculptural crochet artist and the other artists and Mati are painters, but I’ve learned so much about my own art process from them and the course curriculum. Additionally during our time together, I really cleared the decks from big obligations and practiced some solid boundaries that will set my artistic life up for success. I cannot recommend this program enough for the energy and support it’s given to take myself seriously as an artist and create BIG and important artwork.
– Stacy Cantrell, www.stacycantrellart.com
I am creating a whole new body of art and plans for a show that I previously wasn’t even taking seriously as a realistic idea or felt ready for.

On the same weekend I hung my first art show AND hosted an open studio where I sold greeting cards, originals, and prints to many happy customers. I have taken steps towards feeling comfortable about talking and pricing my work, with tremendous support from Mati. I also matted, framed, and created a series of flower cards for the show. The support of Mati and the other artists in the program has helped me make these bold moves and take my art career seriously! In just 3 months, I’ve totally transformed and am doing it!!! Next I’m looking into hosting art classes in my studio and promoting my art for sale online more on Instagram, my newsletter, and listing my art on my website. I’m doing all this alongside being a busy mama of 3 young children, a performing dancer and jeweler, so I’m amazed at how I’m pushing past the blocks and imposter syndrome and stepping into my artistic voice as a painter.
While it’s been a big transformation and not without growing pains, I’m feeling so much more in the flow and like I’m now actually living my big artistic dreams. My art is developing too as I spend more time painting in my new studio. I have so much more momentum now and I am so grateful for investing in myself with this program.”
– Leah Fox, www.leahannefox.com

When I first moved to my new town, I felt called to these barns I kept seeing and Mati encouraged me to photograph them and paint them, and now I have a new body of art to show at my local gallery, and realized the dream of building my own art studio too.
During our 3 months working together, built her dream studio, joined a local art gallery where she is currently showing and created an entire new series of barn paintings!”
– Pauli Bailey, www.paulibailey.com
Since working together she completed her new website which was a big long term goal.

I found Mati’s book Daring Adventures in Paint back in 2012 and reached out to her inspired to paint and find a creative community. For over the last decade I’ve been mentored in so many ways by Mati and grown my own unique artistic voice and vision.
Over the years I’ve helped Mati with online painting classes, assisted on her art retreats and then started teaching alongside Mati in workshops and in our Abundant Blooms ecourse.
With her help I’ve gained the courage to pursue teaching my own painting ecourses, and even lead an art retreat in Bali! Now I’ve signed on with a gallery in Martha’s Vineyard selling my large Goddess paintings, teaching local painting workshops, and have had my art prints licensed by the Jungalow store. I’ve also licensed my art on puzzles, cross-stitch and as I keep creating more opportunities continue to open. I’m gearing up to pursue my art full time now, I’m so excited! Mati has modeled how I can be a full time artist with multiple honey pots and with joy and adventure! She had help me “show the world my MAGIC”! Xo
– Lily Sol

This was my second time working with her and this program is amazing! Grab your spot NOW!
– Lela Roher Stetch, www.selwaystudios.com

“In this world of being painter ladies who teach and share online, Mati Rose was like Beyoncé to me – such a shining star!
So when she offered her art mentoring and Daring Adventures in Creative Biz, I jumped at the chance to learn from her experience. At first I was hesitant about the cost of the course since I was starting my biz on a shoestring budget, but I can tell you, it was super worth it. This course was like a catapult for my creative career. I devoured every assignment and interview. If you take this course, definitely clear your schedule because there is so much goodness to absorb. Mati was so generous with everything that she shared, and I met such awesome kindred spirits in the course. There are a lot of e-courses out there and this is the one that has made the biggest impact on my career. It is such a gift to our community. If you do the work, be prepared for your creative biz to take off!
– Annamieka Hopps Davidson, Artist www.annamieka.com

“A friend recommended Mati to help us clarify our marketing strategy. Well, our one-hour session with her was like JET FUEL.
My wife and I have a mindfulness workshop business. It’s going well, but we’re really a lot better at the teaching than the marketing. By the time she sent us a detailed action plan by email, we knew exactly what we wanted to do and exactly how we were going to do it. So great! She was the perfect combination of encouraging and innovative. She really stretched us, but in ways that we felt excited about. We’d highly recommend her to anyone that’s looking for ways to extend their workshop business – or really any homegrown biz that requires marketing.
– Nico & Devon Hase, Mindfulness Coaches & Authors www.devonandnicohase.com
Nico & Devon started selling out their mindfulness retreats in Iceland and other amazing spots after working with me! They have since published a book “How Not to be a Hot Mess”

Mati’s “Daring Adventures in Creative Biz” class helped me focus on reaching my goals through inspiring videos by Mati and guest speakers, goal-setting techniques and accountability. The class size was small enough to allow for specific feedback from classmates and Mati. It was like having an art business life coach! I’ll be continuing on with the next course. Thanks so much Mati for your inspiration and guidance.
– Pam Wingard, www.pamwingard.com

It was just what I needed to push me to stretch my wings in my art practice. Mati’s style is so encouraging and helps create a supportive environment where we can be ourselves and feel brave enough to take leaps towards our dreams. Highly recommended!!
– Nancy Benton, www.nancybenton.net
Because of her class I’ve started my own workshops, e-course and also have more ideas in the works.

I can honestly feel things shifting in really amazing and exciting ways. I feel like the whole world is opening up to me, which is amazing and scary and empowering and exciting. I’m so glad I’m doing this course with you. Thank you!
– Robin Johanna Archer, Artist www.robinjohannaarcher.com

Mati, it is with a heart filled with gratitude that I say…”thank you!” Thank you for being true to yourself so that in turn it empowers others to be true to themselves. I have always felt that I could honor where I am at in my creative journey in this class and did not feel any shame about not doing “it” (whatever “it” is) the “correct” way. So much freedom has been modeled, imparted and given…thank you. You are a precious gift to this world and to those of us who call ourselves “creatives.” May your gift of presence continue to shine brightly and bless others as you journey.
– Laura Wolfe, www.laurajwolfe.com

There were so many people who came! Oh my goodness, I was a little overwhelmed. In the best way! I have now sold 12 of the 28 paintings. I am feeling just thrilled about the whole experience! (And it’s still up for another two months!) Thanks again for everything!
– Lucy Ames, Artist & Educator www.lucyames.com
While coaching Lucy she applied for, painted the art, conceived of her solo show “Beauty in the Branches” An Exhibition of her Tree Paintings. Lucy hung her first solo show where she sold out almost all the paintings, almost half at the opening!!

I am so grateful for you and appreciate every moment we spend together. I admire you and respect your opinions and feedback. Thank you for helping me put things in a better perspective. I look forward to our next talk.
-Rebecca Seamon, Artist www.newbloomstudio.com

“I know I will never again forsake myself or my creativity for those systems or for anyone, in fact. That is a huge promise that I have made to myself.
Surprises: When I signed up for Level Up, my goal was simply to create a body of work. I wasn’t planning on selling my art, but to my surprise, I am now preparing to sell my work! This is a huge turnaround for me. I’m excited to participate in Open Studios —I’m really going to do this!
I realized in not wanting to sell my art, I was protecting it from systems such as capitalism and patriarchy. Because when I was a young artist/designer, I got caught up in what would “sell” and lost the soul of my creativity. Now as a post-menopausal crone ( a term that I lovingly reclaim).
Biggest Wins: The biggest win has been this group. As creatives, we often work in isolation, so finding a sense of community is invaluable. I feel incredibly lucky to have this supportive and nourishing creative group that I’ve been working with for months. It’s challenging for us as artists to recognize our own uniqueness and strengths, but having this group to look at my art and provide feedback has been incredibly helpful. I feel like I carry you all in my heart as I create now.
– Dori Melton, Artist

“my life has changed with you.
I feel so grateful for this opportunity to work with you and under your guidance, Mati. The work that you’re doing as an artist and also offering your services is powerful and you’ve changed my life…
– Leah Devine, Artist www.leahdevine.vision