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Collage is a big, daring step off the proverbial cliff.
Let’s leap together!


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photo credit Heidi TenPas

DAC what will you make

What students say:

“I took several e-courses in the meantime, and it’s usually in your courses that I can really loosen up and just create. No inner critic, no inhibitions, just making artThank you for that!”

“What I love most about your Daring Adventures is that it frees up the part of me that wants to Control things! Art can be so unwieldy & unpredictable; your classes always remind & encourage me to swim in the wild waters instead of just standing at the edge dipping my toes in.”

“I loved this course! I so needed the creative motivation and this was the perfect class for that! I haven’t had a ton of time to commit to the collages, but your encouragement to just be quick and messy meant that I didn’t need to have a lot of time. The videos and interviews were great inspiration. I look forward to coming back to the activities for inspiration and making more collages this summer. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Oh Mati you hit it out of the ball park with this one, and I’m so happy I had a chance to take it!  You have a knack for pulling our creative juices to the surface, and encouraging us to think outside the box.  I think the thing that helps me the most with your classes is that you break them down into such doable chunks, and encourage us all along the way…They seem easy, so I’m not afraid to try.  It’s been such a pleasure to see the other class members’ work as well.  We farm, so summer is our busy time and I haven’t had much time to devote to the class, but things are winding down now till fall, so I’m looking forward to playing with my paper scraps until then!”

“I am so glad that I took this course Mati, It has really pushed me away  the computer and got me experimenting more with my collage, I have loved every minute of it and can’t wait to see where it takes me!”

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