one of the best things about gift giving when you’re about to be married is the idea that the gift is also yours. hee. i gave the salt & pepper shakers to my hugh for christmas because i loved them so, and to add to our collection.
i had a revelation this morning about marriage and how it relates to my art. i want to vow to commit to my art making more seriously. what i mean by that is that i want to have confidence and trust in it’s future. i have done this same thing with my engagement with hugh, quite effortlessly and excitedly, and i’d like to adopt what that feels like to making a similar commitment to art. less questions, more faith in the road ahead. during my break i re-read some of my blog writing, and while i feel my questioning of illustrator versus painter, etc. etc. was a necessary process, i want to be more solid in my commitment to this relationship to my art and future. no more ambivalent flings! i should have a little ceremony for my self, right?
so this is what my grateful friday realization is about today: commitment to my art and trusting the road ahead!
i thought these salt and pepper shakers looked remarkably like my previous drawings. i think i’m going to start painting more chubby animals. they are very cute salt and pepper shakers, don’t you think?