all week i wanted to participate in mav’s show us your art theme, but i have stock-piled it for today!
i love that art represents beauty, but also memories of travels and specific moments and friends. i also like the idea of making art accessible to everyone… for the love of places like etsy! and being creative with what one calls art.
i snapped pictures all over my house and perhaps will do a walk through of select pieces through the rooms of our home, what fun for me!
in the study:
this piece was salvedged from a flowershop that was going out of business when i first moved to SF, before i even had an apartment and was staying with my friend Ben. i remember walking down the streets post bikram yoga {the sweaty kind} in the tenderloin {which is i believe is named such because it was where policemen could make the big bucks to buy the tenderloins… aka bring home the bacon? am i making this up? well that said, it’s one of the seediest hoods in the city} and this man was selling everything from the shop, and i asked, “including the sign?”, he repllied “come back tomorrow and it’s yours”. sure enough i did and i bought this treasure of mine for $33 and took it away in a cab, much to my friend Ben’s chagrin.
sabrina gave this to me on my big 29th b-day i threw for myself {a first}, complete with live music of friends and delicious food by my chef friend kate. it says, “she came to dream of a home with two, she didn’t know how, but she did anyway, as you go. buid. dream. journey. make. pretend. believe. ask for help”.
in our living room:
hugh’s art, later made into a poster for the pixies. lucky to have an artist boyfriend, for sure.
amazing andrew schoultz’s art that i bought at a benefit for another amazing artist ray patlan who was raising $ for heart surgery. i bought this when i worked at an art law firm on balmy alley and andrew was always in front of the office painting on this mural.
from a favorite japanese book i picked up for $1 and always refer to called “Little Pictures of Japan”. it says:
The Skyrockets
The voice of the rockets,
Then the flash!
we like pairing vintage toys, mexican skulls, old letters… plus all of our art books to make an art shelf:
an old architectural drawing of the brooklyn bridge that is long enought to stretch the distance of our small olive couch. found at the thrift:
in the kitchen:
hugh did this design for louie barletta’s skateboard and shoes! it hangs high above our kitchen door.
my friend amanda herman’s triptych of mexican fair pictures high above our cupboards… i love the cotton candy. amanda and i traveled in mexico when in college and visited her brother/my ex chris in the Yucutan. my own pictures from that time are SO good because i had her along with her photographer’s eye.
in the bathroom:
a poster from my whim of a trip to my favorite city in the world Barcelona, my first tix purchased with frequent flyer miles! i was living in Boston and had just begun dating my ex Eliot and asked him if he wanted to take a trip with me and he was game! he was also a great traveling companion because he was an architect and interested in Gaudi and we went up to Bilbao to see the Guggenheim
Mexican skeletons from when hugh and i lived in oaxaca, mexico for a few months… i love these:
for my bedroom go here!
thank you for letting me indulge in these rich memories… i feel like i just traveled back in time and to all of those beautiful places and moments and re-met ex-loves and friends.
i am grateful for this journey.