hugh made blueberrry muffins this morning. gotta love the occassional domestic urges.
i’ve been off of coffee since i got sick (well except for this weekend of brunches) and it feels good. i oddly feel more awake in the morning.
i had a heart to heart with my hairdresser dagny about getting up earlier and even though i’ve expressed my pain with this how it gives a person needed alone time before the day begins. i love the realness that sometimes takes place while my hairs are being trimmed.
i’ve been trying to meditate on the lessons of being sick like last week. staying healthy is my first priority. eating well– i need more iron. sleep. exercise. but not over-doing any of it. simplifying. building in self-care. making time for a lazy stroll, stretch or bath. tell yourself: i heart you.
thank you so much for your well-wishes. i think it helped!
i’m in my studio today, trying to draw/paint/collage an elephant for my book below… “elephants are kind, but they are dumb”. not very nice! i think it’s going to be made out of a red doily. i’ll show you later.
sun is shining through the studio… a slight breeze and i am happy to be well today.