first a big thank you to 2 of my favorite design blogs: apartment therapy & sfgirlbybay for posting my mom’s chair idea! so flattered we are. it gives us juice to our mom-daughter idea of starting a recycled boutique with artful projects… or maybe it should be a book, or blog even?

i am so loving bright colors lately. today i went for an early morning walk with my photographer friend tom in the arboretum. he didn’t bring his camera, nor i my sketch book, to capture the colorful flowers, so we reverted to 5 years olds exclaiming every 2 seconds at the crayola colors– look there’s an even brighter yellow! a more crimson red! an aubergine that exactly matches your shirt! and hey, this one looks exactly like a sunny-side-up-egg (and is easy for me to recall because it is a fancier version of my name:matilija). we went all through south america, native california and on the periphery of australia.

speaking of *coloring* my friends jen & ed from college, who are now living in seattle, spent the day with me recently with their amazing son sam. we went to see our art show and i loved how they referred to our paintings as “coloring”. like, “do you want to go see mati & hugh’s coloring?” indeed, that is exactly what they are. we colored big on canvas and it’s no different from scribbling on the placemat, really. anyway, this guy sam breaks my heart. heartbreaker galore behind his little designer shades, who wouldn’t turn around for the photo so his papa eddie kept twirling around till he got him facing front and laughing, and me beside them:
ed & sam & me

and lastly, in keeping with my love of color today here are a few flickr faves from friends:

diana’s “madness”
lisa’s chairs
laurel’s bridge (which is newly behind our house connecting to the roof of our studios, and where i’ll shortly be eating lunch!)

and i’ve begun 2 flickr sets called “color therapy” and “blooming” which keep me happy and wanting to keep on coloring.

matilija rosa