inspirationpaints all lined up and ready 1,2,3
i love my hot pink work table
i’m madly painting for a show that opens jan 2nd and i texted my girl kelly that i was having the above “painting identity crisis” and then remembered that oh yeah, what was the class i just taught?
painting, that’s right
and how did i teach it?
there are no mistakes, experiment, mess up, explore and most importantly have fun!
***on one of my handouts i listed from a to z different things to try (many of which were demonstrated in class):
a) use stencils
b) spray paint
c) sand
d) brayer paint
e) spray water
f) experiment any way you can think of
g) spill paint
h) mix paint with matte medium and cover parts
i) cut out collage
j) stamp on pattern
k) sponge on paint
l) use magazines for blotting
m) cut out silhouettes from magazines
n) paint over
o) dry brush
p) use pencil or end of brush to make marks
q) put tissue paper or sewing patterns on ground
r) glue pages from book
s) write on painting words in your head, a song, eavesdropped
t) cross out/paint over
u) gel transfers
v) silver leaf
w) scribble, doodle, use fingers, play
x) add splotches of different color
y) collage on ephemera
z) repeat

might i add paint upside down? cover your floor with paintings and work on them simultaneously and when you’re not looking, one will truly shine.

i was in my head too much trying to visualize the paintings before making them. wondering who my audience is. wondering what will they look like on the wall. now i’m listening to them and doing a little interpretive dance and realizing i’m the audience. oh yeah, and mochas help 🙂

ps- the inspiration above~ i randomly took this photo before i left for italy and stuck these bits in my journal that i took with me… sadly i left the journal on the plane and am so glad i had the crazy forsight to snap this. the top left is one of my favorite pics of my dad ever building our house in nova scotia.
pps- don’t you like my hot pink work table?
ppps-don’t worry, i have many more italian photos to share:) case you wondered.