hello my friends,

at 9 pm eastern time the true love pretties went live! get them now for this may be our last waltz together!
true love mr + ms forever

here are some rockstars rocking them~
Monica Pasqual rocks the mati rose + moodswing necklace
photo by Tom Erikson
Monica playing solo at Cafe Du Nord also in Blame Sally

jonatha rocking out with moodswing + mati rose necklace
(i’m not sure who took this pic! please let me know if you do!)
jonatha brooke playing at squam arts workshop

ps-sign up on the left hand column for my newsletter if you want to hear about future news like this FIRST!
pps- i just created a flickr group for my shoppe goodies~ please send me a pic if you are wearing one of my creations or have one in your home you’d like to share. thank you!

xo xo xo