
today i wanted to share my growing collection of photos of other folks art collections, which include my work.

first is the lovely grouping of artist and designer jennifer ramos whose blog i just adore. she wrote a sweet post about me here. thank you kindly jennifer! note my little deer + peacock print entitled “i will follow you” in the mix. i love jennifer’s mix of white and metal frames and all her text!

jennifer ramos

the 2nd is of course from my dear oft mentioned kelly rae. it was such a treat to visit kelly’s home for in nearly every room i represented with my art. she kept saying… “your style is so varied, i can put a mati rose everywhere”… or something cute like that. thanks girly. she has the mischevious kitten in tighty whities print in her sweet grouping. i’m loving her vintage patterns + papers with the white frames. nice!

kelly rae

next we have the fabulous andrea of hula 70’s home. have you guys seen her house tour? dreamy. i feel so lucky to grace her walls, man. note ava’s room dons the baby birds print of mine too:) in her collection she features the “dreaming in birds print” which i dig with the varied sizes of white frames with her own incredible photos and polaroids mixed in. very signature hula:)

a closer view of andrea's gathering

lastly is the gorgeous jenny vorwaller’s wall, which showcases one of my all time fave prints “there is nothing wrong with you”. face it there isn’t. especially not you. i’m keen on the way jenny has clear frames and some with none at all. yes.

jenny vorwaller's collection

please do send me any art groupings that feature my work! i’d love to see and share them. i’m totally inspired to make one myself with a mix of white ikea frames and others i have lying around soon! will show you when it looks good!
