jesse, kate and me

hot stuff

being in Maine last week reminded me filled me with nostalgia. 4 of my best friends from childhood–Kate, Bekah, Lynn and my sister Jesse are my gold and i feel so grateful that they are all part of my life. riding home from the memorial with Jesse, Bekah and i were all seated in the back seat of Bekah’s mom’s car as she drove, while we looked through a box of old photos and laughed. Then we stopped at DQ and had soft serve and i felt like we were 10 again. it was one of the most healing moments of the trip for me.

these pictures are cracking me up! the first one is of my sister Jesse, Kate and myself. love my beads and bathing suit. Jesse’s scrunched nose and how tiny and cute Kate is. the 2nd one is my sister and i… we were “hot stuff”. i was especially trying to look cool with my stance and collar up! i LOVED purple. and unicorns. and that slinky bracelet. and the oversized lunch bag. wow.

I also am feeling very grateful for my lovebomb peeps, although i missed the actual retreat, i got kissbombed with photos and added into the group shop. thank you lovebombers… i’m feeling the love rubbed off.

thank you to all of you for supporting the mere idea of my new biz! you guys are the BEST. 

if you have written to me, i have been away for a week and am VERY behind in my emails, but will get back to you soon.
