hi sweet people,

thank you for your nice comments after my silly post. i don’t wear a lot of makeup, but a little color is fun & so similar to painting. and thank goodness, the plumber came and i can take baths now.

i had a fun and packed weekend. i felt lucky on friday night to spend time with these wise women. saturday we helped my sister in law at her yard sale (she’s moving to alaska!) and had burmese food with our dear friends kate & eric. kate’s pregnant and about to pop! sunday was filled with brunch at the park and galavanting in the streets. they closed down a bunch of streets to cars in our neighborhood the mission so we biked and walked down around all day in the sun. i came home exhausted with a burnt nose and flip flop tan and fell asleep straight away after calling my dad. happy be-lated father’s day out there!

for those of you who get my newsletter i apologize for the repeat, but there are some new things in my shoppe:

*first off, i have some new art!
new prints in my shoppe!

*there are just a handful of these glass collaborative necklaces with jenifer from sprout studio!

* i’m offering SETS OF 3 prints pre-curated for your walls discounted $30 from the original price!

set of 3 sea animals
set of 3 elephants
set of 3 birds

<3 <3 <3
mati rose