postcard for our show!

part of why i’ve been freaking out lately is that i have a show coming up in about 2 weeks! and it’s really bad timing to fall off my bike and hurt my painting arm. alas, today i woke up and with some rest and space looked at where i’m at… and i think it’s gonna be good. i like my work and while i still have a lot to paint, i’m excited!!

so my joint show with jennifer judd-mcgee at rare device on 1845 market st in SF!

sept. 2, 7-9 pm
sept. 2-28, 2010

i chuckled at liv’s comment and it’s truth: But what is the one requirement for riding a bicycle? You have to be balanced or you are destined to crash. Looks to me like the Universe dressed up as Captain Obvious and is doing everything possible to get you to rest a bit!

thanks all for your kind words and support on my journey here!
