If you know one thing about me, it’s how much I love COLOR. I mean looooove. A good color combo is better than chocolate — well, as good as chocolate, let’s say 😉 So you can imagine how pumped I was to see my dear friend Andrea‘s new offering: a 30-day adventure in color collecting. It’s all about finding joy + gratitude through the creative process. Sounds scrumptious!

This delightful, affordable e-course starts this coming Monday! Let’s get our treasure hunt on…


30 days of photo prompts right to your inbox.

Remember how much you loved treasure hunts as a kid? We’re bringing the joy of that time back. Further your creative practice with photography, get a spark of inspiration directly in your inbox each day and share the spoils of your hunts in an encouraging Flickr community for other treasure seekers.

The fun begins TODAY. You can register here!

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • A creative photo prompt each day in your inbox
  • Photo tips + creative musings to inspire your work
  • A warm, encouraging community space on Flickr to share your work and support your fellow treasure seekers! (I will be popping in there to view your work and support your practice)

Benefits of treasure seeking:

  • Jumpstart your creativity or add a new spark to your existing practice
  • Come away with a collection of creative images illustrating your life right now
  • A gratitude practice using your camera as a tool + beauty as your lens
  • A whole month of drinking in everyday beauty
  • Inspiring photos taken with your camera phone.
  • Has your blog been collecting dust? Infuse it with new colorful content!

Here is a sample of one of the prompts:

Screen shot 2014-03-10 at 5.02.13 PM

So fun, Andrea!! See more here 🙂