I’ve been developing Daring Adventures in Creative Biz:
Business & Artistic Discovery for People Who Want to Live Their Dreams. For 3 months, we’ll spend each week diving into what it takes to passionately run a Creative Business while staying inspired as an artist and creative.

Each week we’ll dig into themes of :

I’m writing to you with a unique offering:
40 spots in Daring Adventures in Creative Biz {Pilot Course}
3-month class where we dive into your Creative Biz!
$125/month (limited to 40 people) 
$250/month includes a 1-on-1 hour-long Creative Mentoring session with me each month
(best value; limited to 10 people)
*Learn all about my awesome individualized Creative Mentoring & read testimonials here

We will delve into this Creative Biz adventure through:
- Weekly themes
- Interviews with experts in the field
- Group phone calls to stay focused
- Facebook group + support
- “Homework” to make creative inquiries and take steps forward
- Sharing information from my personal experience, with help from expert guests
Just a few of our guests + their thriving ventures:
Hallie Grey: Home Textile Design Company
Emily McDowell: Card Line Company
Tiffany Han: Life Coach Extraordinaire
Margo Tantau: VP of Creative at Midwest-CBK
We’ll also be diving into the nitty gritty of topics like:
- Deciding what direction to take your creative business
- Marketing
- Setting up shop: Etsy or otherwise
- Website creation
- Creative schedule: what works best for you
- Process: inspiration seeking, creative field trips, “filling the well,” sustainability vs. burnout
- Branding
- Creative community
- Creating a product line: card line, home decor, etc.
- Agents
- Book writing/proposals
- Running online courses
- Teaching opportunities
- Trade shows
- Illustration + licensing options
- Brick-and-mortar shops
- Gallery scene
- Wholesale
- Running a creative space and art studio
In January 2015, I will be embarking on an 8-month Creative Biz E-course, but I wanted to launch with a smaller (*more special*) group before I open enrollment for the public. If you want to continue on with the course in the New Year, you will have first dibs + a monthly discount!

And maybe you do too.
Mati Rose McDonough is an artist and daring adventurer whose name is pronounced Matey, like Ahoy! She is a SF Bay Area based artist, illustrator, painting teacher and author of “Daring Adventures in Paint”. After wanting to be an artist for many years, but feeling like it was “impractical”, at almost 30 years Mati took the leap and went back to art school at the California College of the Arts. Ten years later, she is still excited and terrified every time she sees a blank canvas. She has had dozens of art shows, taught painting classes internationally and had her art on Patagonia shirts, University Games, Pier 1 signs, as well as greeting cards, and her very own home decor line. She also has illustrated several children’s books including “i carry your heart” written by ee cummings. Through her workshops, book, and online course, she spreads a warm message of creative courage: it’s never too late to show the world your magic. Discover more at matirose.com