Daring Bundle Sale

I am having my first annual: Daring Bundle Sale! That’s Lifetime access to all 4 of my Daring Art classes for one low price of $149 (normally $566 total). Wahoo! Seize the moment, I will not be offering this amazing sale again for at least a year! Sale ends in one week on Saturday, May 27th!! 

I know many of you have taken one or more of these classes, but this is the opportunity to have the entire library and to be inspired this summer and beyond with the price of only one class!

I’ve been doing a big Spring cleaning, and came across so many notebooks dreaming up my classes over the last 5 years, since my first book by the same name came out—Daring Adventures in Paint, to Collage, to Creative Biz and then Abstract Paint! So many of you have joined the journey and I am incredibly grateful for connecting and growing creatively alongside you.



($566 VALUE)

Please allow 24 hours for me to invite you to all 4 classes!


Mati Rose

please email me with any questions: matirose@gmail.com