hello there,

i’m having a lovely visit back east! nahcotta’s enormous tiny show opened friday and it was awesome to meet so many fellow artists from the show as well as have so many family friends there. some of the sweet folks i met were sarah,meg,amy ruppel,steph dos reis, jennifer judd mcgee, lillianna pereira, betsy thomspon and lisa dejohn.

here’s a pic of some of these fabulous ladies from nahcotta’s blog~
artists for enormous tiny show iv

if you missed the show and would like to buy some work, it’s available on line at: www.enormoustiny.com!

i realized i sent a newsletter chock full of upcoming events, but never updated here. please go over to my side bar and sign up for my newsletter to hear about shows + sales first!

in my newsletter i mentioned another SF opening with my paintings at arkay workshops and designs of mine available at rare device and the parklife! yay!

i’m off to squam! so excited to meet people, take classes, and honestly a bit nervous about our talk, a first! if you’re in the new england area there will also be an art fair that i’ll be participating in along with other talented artists.
