Surtex oh Surtex

I’ve been wanting to go to the New York surface design show called Surtex for years! I love textile design and pattern making and I really wanted to see the show in person. Last year however I chickened out due to the cost of the flight, hotel and NYC...

making golden spanish sunshine

saturday our lovely teacher diana taught shashtin and jenifer and i mmm..marmalade makin’ using a giant box of seville oranges from the farmer’s market. below are photos taken by shash of the process & here are jen’s polas and nicely jotted down...

thanks for stopping by my booth!

it was a wonderful and exhausting weekend! big thanks to everyone who stopped by and chatted and supported my art! thank you to caitlin who helped out on saturday and hugh on sunday! thanks to my rad studio mate laurel to for helping me make this awesome antler...

shows + shops + squam!

hello there,i’m having a lovely visit back east! nahcotta’s enormous tiny show opened friday and it was awesome to meet so many fellow artists from the show as well as have so many family friends there. some of the sweet folks i met were sarah,meg,amy...