blooming sf

i was downloading my iphone photos recently and noticed nearly 1/2 were flower shots! it was kind of cracking me up. I thought I’d share a few here because they have such inspiring colors for paintings! Not to mention their shapes and patterns. here’s the...

opening recap!

i feel like i have so much to share, but before it is too ancient history, i wanted to say *thank you* all who came out to our show opening and those from afar who showed your support! it means the world to me, really. our show was really fun! i felt lucky and...

Little Pink Houses

Victoria wrote a sweet write up of our my and Lisa Congdon’s show opening this Friday at the Curiosity Shoppe! I hope to see you there! Where: 855 Valencia St. between 19th-20th When: July 10th from 6 pm till 8! Who: You! Please come by and say hello! You can...

more home love

hi there,i wanted to share another awesome photo and art collection from the oh so talented jennifer judd-mcgee of swallowfield fame (a fellow mainer and rad woman and artist). check out her etsy shoppe. i have this one and will be adding it to my framed montage soon!...