so many of my friends are having or have recently had babies! it’s a really exciting time! in particular i want to welcome to the world my friends kate & eric’s new baby william ezra! hurray! i’m so happy that i’m able to gift my friends art for their babies rooms. i can’t think of a more satisfying feeling as a artist, to think of children growing up with my art and having it be part of their sense memory. i feel like i have such strong memories from childhood that i may tap into more often than most in playing with paint and drawing child inspired animals.

speaking of play, i’ve been taking andrea & jen’s dream lab and on a daily basis am encouraged to play and rest. is anyone else taking it? it’s been a serious treat! new sessions are coming up too!

case and point, saturday i was struggling with a painting and had been for days. silly really to sit and struggle because you know it’s definitely not going to turn out good with that mentality. anyway, we have these great young studio mates for the summer (21 + 22 year old guys) and they have continually been reminding me to take breaks and play. on saturday i heard outside a continuous, but random tapping against the concrete and looked out and one of them was bouncing a beach ball by himself. he seemed so curious about how high it’d go and was so obviously playing. such a good idea to take a break to get physical and play and let your mind wander, right? other times i’ve seen them throwing a basketball back and fourth, making chalk art and the coolest thing by far is creating a communal and live “newspaper” on big chalkboard walls outside the studio doors. they’ve brought such energy to the studio that i didn’t even know was missing! they also really remind me and make me miss my little 20 year old brother andrew who is studying abroad right now in new zealand.

anyway, i’m so tangental. i loved reading your comments on yesterday’s post! totally embrace your “J” or “P” and inner introvert or extrovert… it’s really all good and just a tool to help us understand ourselves best, eh? i also am excited to be in the company of so many people who get the being alone bit. my friend commented on the video something like “i miss my quirky alone time. can i still be quirky and alone with a kid and husband?” i think that raised a good point… how do we carve out that alone time or fuel ourselves when we cannot literally be alone?! good question! i don’t know, but i think it’s about taking just a minute or 2 and really just paying attention and being in the moment. whether it’s watching your child on the playground, reading a book, taking a quick nap in the grass, walking down the street to the post office… when your mind is open and curious to the moment, i think you can be fueled just like being alone.

mati rose

ps- i’m on quite a roll of listing original art in my etsy shoppe lately. i’m clearing out to make room for all the new paintings i’m making in my small studio! plus, it’s an obvious part of my abundance talk is to do the work and make it available for sale (sometimes i forget that part! no one can buy my work if i don’t make it available, hello!) convo me if a piece calls to you and you need to pay in installments… i’m flexible. although i’m listing so many of them for a steal of $50-100! also get in touch, if you’re interested in a commission of something similar in my shop too please!