mini cupcakes and a birthday month sale!

sweets,i’ve been remiss in writing here. there are big exciting things brewing and dream lists to write for 2011 and a birthday month to celebrate. and holiday parties. and children to babysit for. and paintings to be made. and hikes to be had. and movies to be...

genuineness trumps cool every time

feather power in black, original available hereeveryone has a story and beauty can be found in the most unsuspected places. this i believe.i have a wide range of friends. i subscribe to a wide range of super low brow (people mag) and high brow (the new yorker) reads....

cute chubby baby birds & bouncing balls

Baby Birds original available hereso many of my friends are having or have recently had babies! it’s a really exciting time! in particular i want to welcome to the world my friends kate & eric’s new baby william ezra! hurray! i’m so happy that...