um, the cutest ever

viv, harlan, ida and of course niece lily in that order wearing my tiny tiger tee with a stache! there are just 2 left in the lil’ shoppe:)

if you haven’t heard from me…

all i have been focusing on is the Renegade Craft Fair!please come visit me & hugh–check out his new website by clicking his name! we’ve never done anything like this before and are a bit nervous and hopeful.xoxxom

folks, the time has come to cast your ballots…

for fredflare’s NEXT BIG THING contest!of course, i’d love it if you voted for me. it only takes 1 second and i would be grateful from here to infinity! vote for me: mati rose mcdonough, it takes 1 second. i would win $1,000 towards art making endeavors to...


Peeking out again from Maine to say how psyched i am that i was included in fred flare’s “Next Big Thing” Design competition! Sweet! Thank you Keith & Chris for staying cute. Read my interview here if you’d like. Off to celebrate &...