Sweet Playspace

I was in disbelief when a couple friends wrote me saying they saw my art in Better Homes & Garden’s May issue. I thought, no way, why wouldn’t I know about it? Must be someone else. Sure enough, when I finally tracked down a copy there were 2 of my...

Artful Blogging

I’m flattered to be included in the latest issue of Artful Blogging with photos, art and an article written by me that shares my story of being an artist and blogger. It is beautifully printed and in good company with talented artists like Shari and Abby to name...

antler magazine

i just spent the last bit swooning over the fantastic on-line mag antler. this month’s issue is free and stunning! so many artist interviews and inspiring photography.i was mentioned on their blog last week and since then seriously smitten by both the magazine...


i’m pleased as punch to be featured in this issue of small magazine. when the kind editor olivia asked, i wrote back immediately an enthusiastic YES. it’s such a perfect fit for me! every single time i get this magazine i gush over the art, the photo...