i love these bright little ellies

my new ipop magnets with madison park greeting are coming out soon! they aren’t on the website yet, but if you’re a boutique (or even an individual) you can order them and i’ll have them in my shoppe asap!xo

loving these gloriously sunny days!

i feel so happy when the weather is like it is… almost balmy tonight. i took a walk in the hood to buy a book and all the folks were outside eating NYC summer style. i wish it was always like this!ps- in full disclosure these photos were taken back in January...

collaborative painting

when i was up in seattle a few weeks ago kelly mentioned she wanted make a painting for her bedroom on a piece of long canvas to go above her bed. we were excited to try one collaboratively! we’ve worked so well together planning classes, traveling and dreaming...

today feels pretty special

hugh and i got up early (for us) and biked down to civic center to watch the big screen and be among the crowd popping champagne, selling obama shirts (will they be on sale now?), and holding their kids up high on their shoulders. lots of boo-ing at appropriate parts...

our first anniversary!

we celebrated a year of marriage on monday. wow, that flew by!here’s to many, many, many more my love.we tried to take our annual (for dating) photobooth pic, but went to FOUR bars with photobooths and they were ALL broken. so we came home after an amazing...